College Essay Examples

The Most Memorable Person I Ever Met

Life has a way of gifting us with amazing and reliable people in our lives. Such individuals come into our spaces and make an impeccable impact in the way we approach our passions in life. No matter who you are, your religious, political or social inclinations, there is definitely that one person that you always look up to. The admiration can be mutual but it is mostly vertical. This alignment is motivated by the fact that this role model has some degree of knowledge, success or high level of expertise in an area that you are passionate about. Whoever that individual is, you find yourself mostly agreeing with their ideas whole-heartedly. The end goal is usually to have a unique persona much similar to theirs. 

My story circles around one such person who turned out to be my musical mentor. She is now more than just a role model in this industry, but a friend whom I could freely approach and talk about other life issues.  I have come to not only admire her passion for music but also her general personality. This aspect has motivated me to be the best version of myself. 

The urge to add more spice and skill in my music career, pushed me to study in Israel so as to have my own musical style that had some touch of religion. Mrs. Martha as she was mostly referred to was the one who chaired the musical department. With that position, one would assume that she would be strict and demanding of top notch performance from her students and other junior music teachers. Nevertheless, she was the easiest person to approach when one had an issue or needed someone to counsel them as I would note within my first week of attending her classes.

With her musical charms, great sense of humor and baby face complexion, one would confuse her to a young lady in her twenties who knew nothing but fun and music. Shock would hit you once you learn that she was happily married to an architect with twins. She was more of a left-handed person but you wouldn’t notice by the way she handled all the other musical instruments with both her arms. She taught what she knew and could practically do which made her stand out the more. She was more into teaching music than focusing on her departmental role. But strange enough, everything seemed to fit into place and nothing ever fell apart. Her students, myself included, always emerged victorious in almost all musical categories in national as well as international competitions

Her passion for music was not the only aspect she possession. Mrs. Martha had such a cheerful smile such that when combined with her beautiful face energized the musical classes whenever she came in. Her taste for dressing always complimented her figurative body. She had this particular hat that covered the left side of her head allowing her long and well braided hair to flow on the other side. Her sense of dressing and styling her hair was programmed to allow her to play her favorite musical instrument, the guitar. Though she literally knew how to play any musical equipment and made it produce unique and meaningful sound. 

Mrs. Martha made everything come to life when she played her guitar with some Italian, Jewish and Spanish tunes that spoke of her childhood memories in these countries. She had been both to Spanish and Jewish parents. I would never miss her classes even if it was just to listen to her classical tunes and voice which perfectly blended. Martha Alma not only sculpted my current personality but has also inspired my everlasting love for music. Presently, I can perfectly play seven different instruments and teach others while at it. Her wisdom and insights have further re-energized me in pursuing my majors in Music.


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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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