College Essay Examples

Research Project Pitch

Research Project Title: The Effect of Overpopulation on Food Security in Developing Countries

Research Question: Does overpopulation cause a decline in agricultural growth, or does it support food security in developing countries with high poverty rates?

Why I chose This Topic 

I chose this topic because I will learn more about food security. In a world whose population is growing each year massively, I fear we may suffer from food shortages in the coming years. This population growth means that we may deplete our sources for food production. For instance, recent studies have portrayed a connection between overpopulation and environmental degradation that has affected the climatic conduciveness for food production. Therefore, my chosen topic will investigate this issue deeply and understand the relationship between population growth and food security. My focus will be on developing countries where poverty rates are high. I feel that the international community has neglected these countries. Globalization, a force supposed to help these countries properly, has been misused by rich countries to exploit the developing nations, making them poorer. Apart from globalization, overpopulation has also been termed a cause of high poverty rates in developing countries. My research will investigate to understand how overpopulation causes food security problems.

Notably, I yearn to find solutions to eradicate poverty in developing countries. I have always imagined that the overpopulation menace can be made beneficial in supporting food production. For instance, I think that population growth can increase the labor force for food production. I intend to use this study to learn if overpopulation can support food security and identify the ways that can be applied in developing countries.

The final reason I chose my research topic is that it relates to the course content. We have been focusing on population and society in class. I believe my research interest explains how population affects societal well-being concerning food security.

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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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