College Essay Examples


Sample by My Essay Writer


1. This reflection talks about the impact that fear has on everyone. Each and every person is affected by fear, whether that is fear of snakes, heights or of being rejected.

Fear is a very important component of the evolutionary process, the text explains. After all, if it weren’t for fear, people wouldn’t have inhibitions about jumping off of a bridge with a pile of leaves at the bottom to cushion the fall. Also, people wouldn’t be concerned about hugging a black bear. The examples provided by the author add vividness to the text and helps explain the varying components of fear that can actually save our lives. That’s an interesting point because many people perceive fear as being somewhat of a hindrance to life.

2. The next section describes what people are afraid of. The text also describes fear as being “unpleasant emotions.” These emotions hinder a person’s ability to make the right decision at the time, the text goes on. The author is relatively choppy in this section, as the writer went from unpleasant emotions generated by fear and being unable to make the right choice, to fearing travelling on a plane because of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.

3. In this section, the writer talks about personal troubles with fear. This author’s major fear is the fear of the dark. The writing is very descriptive, as the types of ghouls that the writer saw in the dark are explained. The text goes on to describe the suspected origins of the fear, such as traumatization at a young age, or a scary image. The writer admits that the scary images demands the author sleep with a night light on. The essay goes on to describe some of the worst experiences with being afraid of the dark. One story is about Grade 5 when the writer was locked in a school bathroom where other children called out the name of Bloody Mary, who they wanted to appear in the mirror.

4. It’s interesting to note that in this section the writer discusses the feeling of fear in more depth. The writer says that we are fearful when we feel unsure of the situation. A clear picture is painted by the author by giving a real example of a time when they felt fearful. The basic things the writer was afraid of include objects that are common, such as rats, clowns, mice, the dark, spiders and scary monsters that were made up in the imagination while alone in a dark room. Vulnerability is also identified in this section as being a source of fear. The fear of getting lost is one of the major fears. The author recalls a time when they were little and they walked away from their mother, and the author’s idea that they were left behind or that they wondered off made them fear extremely frightened.

5. Next, the writer talks about fear being one of many emotions that are felt every day by people. This helps takes the idea of fear and apply it to the general population, rather than just focusing on their personal situation and perception of fear. The writer acknowledges that it is completely normal to be fearful, because everyone experiences it and it is a part of our everyday lives. This fear is spurred on by various forces, the writer goes on. These include danger, pain and evil. Then the writer talks more about the various sources of their fear. This is somewhat redundant to the previous sections, but the writer offers new things that they are scared of, such as heights.

6. Here, the author talks about the various results of being fearful in life. One of the most substantial results is when a person’s life can be paralyzed because they are so fearful. This is a debilitating result of being fearful because the action can prevent a person from executing the actions that are necessary to their life situation. This section provides a new element to the discussion, because it adds an element that hadn’t previously been discussed.

7. In this section, the author takes a look at their self-reflection of fear, and asks what they are afraid of. This author discusses that death is likely their biggest fear. But this author is much more complex with what they are afraid of. Essentially, these fears are more macro than what we have seen in the past. Rather than being afraid of spiders and clowns, for example, this writer talks about the world becoming over-populated and there being too limited resources for their children to survive. The writer is also afraid of not accomplishing their dream occupation.

8. In section 8, the author again takes a look at what they consider to be scary. However, they pose the question about whether we really know why something is perceived to be scary. A look into the psychological manifestation if phobia. The writer describes the two categories of phobia, which is specific and social phobia. This section, however, focuses on the specific phobia. This talks about the anxiety that is felt when there is a fearful response to something specific, such as flying or spiders – so these can be both objects and situations. I thought this piece did a good job at relaying some of the deeper aspects of being fearful, and in doing so, the writer also reveals some of the things that they are afraid of and how it relates to the psychological definition.
9. In this piece, we learn about the various definitions of fear. Each person might have a different definition of what fear is. For this author, they define fear as being something they are scared of because it could be a danger to their safety. Taking the approach of investigation the different perceptions of fear adds an element to the discussion.
10. It is interesting to note in this section that the writer takes on a different approach. Many of the other sections featured the various objects and situations of which people are afraid. However, in this section, the writer says they aren’t afraid of much at first glance. But as this writer explains, there are many fears that are hidden, and not quite as obvious as the common fear of spiders, for example. The writer mentions that they are more afraid of the topics and ideas that come up in everyday life that cause some level of anxiety and build up inside of them.

11. In this piece, I enjoyed the writer’s description of the physical reactions that develop when a person is fearful. The opening provides a very vivid image than many people can relate to about being fearful. Another key element to this piece, and one which hadn’t previous been covered, is the ability of people to deal with their fears, if they work on recognizing what they are afraid of and then conquering the fear by realizing its futility. Similar to the other sections, this section discusses some of the fears that the author has, by describing situations when they were younger that generated fear inside of the. This vivid description helps pull the reader in by providing visualizations.

12. This section challenges the very definition of fear, right from the beginning, which helps pull the reader in. While the definition says fear is the presence or expectation of danger, the author describes their own interpretation of fear as being more than just an unpleasant feeling, their whole body gets overwhelmed with extreme anxiety, and this is mostly perpetuated by needles.
13. Similar to many of the other sections, this section begins by talking about the definition of fear, and they discussing what the personal experiences with fear are to the writer. But the conclusion offers a different idea, one that isn’t common through the other sections. The writer talks about the positive side of being fearful. This side, the writer says, allows a person to test their morals and see how they act as a person. Fear might, for example, result in someone showing a very courageous side of them, and they could even be heroic. However, fear can have quite a debilitating effect.
14. This writer takes an interesting look in this section at fear. They provide a fear that is not quite tangible, but it is instead a fear of the future. The writing discusses the various political aspects of the future of the world, so this is a very macro take on fear and the writer is proficient at detailing the various negative results of the way in which people are interacting with the planet, such as the issues related to consumption of resources such as water. The writer is fearful that the current behavior of people on this planet is leading to a uncertain future.


15. I enjoyed the opening of this section, because the writer does something that few do, they admit that they aren’t an expert on the topic, and disclose that they have a difficult time defining fear. Most writers attempt to come across as the expert on the subject, because they want the reader to believe that they are the all-knowing. But this author takes a very truthful approach to the issue. And I believe they are correct when saying that fear is very hard to describe.

16. This section is very straightforward and doesn’t offer much to the discussion hat hadn’t already been mentioned. The writer begins with a definition of what they believe fear means. Then they give some personal accounts of fear. While there is nothing wrong with taking this approach, of the 23 essays, it is a very common method to writing about the topic of fear, and it is, therefore, unoriginal.
17. I enjoyed this section and the way that it immediately captivates the audience with a description of a time in the writer’s life when they were afraid. The imagery presented by the concept of a person being chased up stairs also provides the reader with something to which they can connect. Anyone who has a sibling can likely recall playing with their brother or sister, and either being chased up, or chasing them up stairs at a certain point in their childhood.

18. In this section, the author describes their fear of bugs. Like many of the other sections, they describe a point in their early childhood where they were fearful of something. But this author takes a slightly different approach, and they describe a point where they weren’t fearful of bugs, but then later in life they developed a fear of bugs. The author says they aren’t really sure why the fear of bugs developed, and they don’t remember at which point the change of occurred.

19. I like the way this section challenges the concept of fear, defining it as an emotion that is made by people. The idea of fear is conceptual, the author claims, and these ideas are

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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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