College Essay Examples

Management Information Systems

Remote work, which has gained popularity by the name working from home, is regarded as a more flexible mode of working that enables the employees of a given organization to carry out their duties. The plan can be very helpful in various ways. It can help enhance a proper balance between work and other life aspects, enable access to professional prospects, or reduce traveling costs for employees who can complete work offshore. Better employee gratification and holding, improved efficiency, and cost reserves on physical properties are all benefits for the business. Working on the remote basis is possible on a momentary or long-lasting basis, partial or twenty-four-hour, occasionally or regularly. Remote work necessitates rules governing device use, network safety, and functioning standards.

Due to the global challenges, many companies have been forced to move to remote work systems to minimize risks. For instance, CrowdStrike Company has decided to embrace remote operations. CrowdStrike has a team of well-dedicated staff worldwide to help organizations defend their systems from intrusions and recover from the same. Crowdstrike works with the principle that an organization needs to be aware of the persons connected to their network at any point and time. They must also know the vulnerable endpoints that stand risky against threats and outward penetration. This paper seeks to solve the communication challenges that may arise due to virtual communications by suggesting the most suitable IT application that will enhance perfect virtual communication among all the staff of the company working remotely. The paper will also suggest an Enterprise Management System that will help the company in managing their data and information securely. An Enterprise Management System (EMS) is a software package that helps complicated businesses meet their different needs. Personnel can use the program to manage diverse businesses with geographically dispersed infrastructures. The business will apply Enterprise Resource Planning. Enterprise Resource Planning processes spanning many corporate functions, which are made easier. It enables businesses to remove inconsistencies and duplicates while sharing and accessing data in real-time.

Expectations of the Deliverable

The implementation deliverable should enhance proper communications in all areas, including areas with low internet connections. For instance, there are some employees in regions with poor or slow internet connections. The deliverable must enhance their connectivity without sudden failures, which might sabotage their contributions during meetings. Again, the company requires an application that will enhance audio calls and video calls for conferencing purposes. The employees will be able to attend conferences from across their remote locations. Other than connecting people and enhancing communication across various departments and leaders of the company, the implementation deliverable must enhance information and data security of all the organizations’ information. For instance, it should enhance protection on critical data such as staff details, company files, and any other important documents shared across it and any customer operations information. Therefore, the deliverable should not allow security compromise at all times.  

IT Application: Skype App

Virtual Meetings, also known as virtual conferencing, are the hosting of a meeting in a virtual setting rather than face-to-face. Virtual meetings make use of technology to enable organizations to collaborate over the Internet. These virtual conference platforms usually include audio and video rather than just a voice connection. Virtual meetings are simple to organize. Participants will require an Internet connection, audio through device speakers and microphone, or handset, and a webcam at the most basic level. For CrowdStrike Company, the best IT application for virtual communications will be Skype. Skype can be defined as the computer software, which enhances communications between individuals from end to end. Many people use Skype across the globe for various purposes, such as making free video and audio calls and conferencing with business partners and even family and friends. One can use Skype on their cell phones, computers, or even hand tablets, which is more convenient for one’s use. It is easy to figure out how Skye works and how to use it. Again, if you invest a little more, you may do more, such as cell phones and send SMS. Users have the option of paying as they go or signing up for a monthly subscription, whichever is more convenient. That means that an individual can bring onboard their whole teams of employees, business partners, and all their customers together to execute tasks in the business world.

Features and Services

Skype Technology 

When you use Skype to communicate, the program encrypts your messages to prevent hackers from reading them. The communication is then routed through a network of high-speed, high-capacity machines operating the software until it gets the intended receiver. If one is in a chat with someone on a landline, the message will be routed through a conventional telephone network until it gets to the intended destination. It is worth noting that Skye does not communicate with emergency workers.

Skype Free-Services 

One can open a Skype account for free. Once it is done, one can use their Skype account to formulate unrestricted calls to other Internet users, though you won’t call individuals on a cell phone or landline. Skype similarly offers the users an unrestricted real-time message service for users to interact with one another. Finally, Skype allows people to share files with others by dragging and dropping them into their Skype chatbox. This service allows them to email pictures, videos, and other materials.

Skype Calls and other Paid Services 

Skype offers free call services when one makes calls between computers. However, one can use Skype to link individuals over mobile phones or even landline connections at minimal charges per month for organizations. In addition, Skype offers its users some additional services for a fee other than calls on mobile phones. For instance, users can send other users messages for as low as 10 cents on every message. They can utilize video conferencing services for at least ten individuals ad more for as low as ten dollars every month. An organization can opt for premium services that do not have advertisements while using skype services at any time.  

Skype Applications 

Skype offers smartphone apps for Android, iPhone, and Windows Phone. There is an iPod Touch app that effectively turns the device into a phone wherever Wi-Fi is available. These apps make it simple to use Skye from the user’s phone, removing the need for you to be tethered to a computer.

Enterprise Resource Planning

The business will also apply Enterprise Resource Planning. Enterprise Resource Planning processes spanning many corporate functions, which are made easier. It enables businesses to remove inconsistencies and duplicates while sharing and accessing data in real-time. At its most basic level, an ERP is defined as a software package that helps complicated businesses meet their different needs. Personnel can use the program to manage diverse businesses with geographically dispersed production, supply chain, sales, marketing, and human resources (HR). Leaders receive cross-departmental visibility after the information is aggregated in that central database, allowing them to assess numerous scenarios, uncover process improvements, and achieve significant efficiency gains. As a result, individuals will spend minimal time digging for data, resulting in cost savings and increased productivity.

Long-Term Advantages of ERP and Skype Application

The use of Enterprise Resource Planning software will enhance great improvements in the company. For instance, there will be improved customer services through various ways such as better access to customer information. It will enhance faster response and improved on-time delivery due to real-time communication. It will enhance better reporting tools for all staff and easy monitoring of business operations. It will also provide one integrated database for all the business processes that will enhance only one source of all the critical information concerning the companies’ operations. That will ensure information security for the organization’s data and enhance easy restoration in case of disasters. In addition, companies, which utilize Office 365, develop the finest program for file delivery, meeting calls, and demonstrations because Skype for Business is fully integrated into the suite. Each application seamlessly interacts with the others, allowing for easy cooperation and integration.


Ali, M., & Miller, L. (2017). ERP system implementation in large enterprises–a systematic literature review. Journal of Enterprise Information Management.

Madapusi, A., & D’Souza, D. (2012). The influence of ERP system implementation on the operational performance of an organization. International journal of information management32(1), 24-34.

Nicoletti, M., & Bernaschi, M. (2019). Forensic analysis of Microsoft Skype for Business. Digital Investigation29, 159-179.

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By Sandra Arlington

Sandra Arlington is a contributing writer to the Motley Fool. Having written for various online magazines, such as Ehow and LiveStrong, she decided to embark on a travel blog for the past 10 years. She is also a regular contributor to My Essay Writer.

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