College Essay Examples

Leadership Self-Assessment

The results indicate an above-average leader since the overall score is 77 points. These points are based on the strengths and not weaknesses, inferring that I am already a good leader despite a few areas to work on my improvement. However, the remaining score of 23 points counts on my weaknesses as a leader and clearly shows that there are several areas that I need to work on to better my leadership skills. 

The results show that I am a leader whose emotions do not affect my actions. What I do is purely guided by values and the interests at hand. I am also able to empathize with other people’s conditions, an aspect that sets me as a selfless leader who is considerate of the needs and situations of others. Therefore, my total score is 77%, indicating that I’m above average and have a few areas of improvement. 

One of the areas of opportunity discovered during the self-assessment test is based on my ability to manage my emotions. Emotions are everything when interacting with other people in any field. They determine what actions you will take towards a particular incident affecting other people or even yourself as a leader. The ability to be empathetic towards other people’s issues lets me understand what they may be going through and be in a better position to address the problems most appropriately. This aspect creates a more decisive leader whose connection with the people I lead is better and makes my leadership endeavors essay, and people respect and admire me for such acts of brevity. 

Leadership is majorly based on serving others. To function appropriately, one needs to clearly understand what others might be going through to address the right problem most appropriately. In doing so, I need to equip my emotional and empathy status so that I can feel for others and avoid mistreatment or inappropriate handling. There are many ways to strengthen my emotional and self-control abilities to become a better leader than I am now. 

Building an extensive network of leadership links would be the best tool to use to enable my leadership success. Developing a network perspective to improve my leadership networking abilities is paramount. Consider improving and broadening your network links to become a more effective influencer throughout your business. Three questions to ponder: Is my network accessible? Are all of the individuals I know related to one another? A robust leadership network can give people information, and resources, as mentioned in our guidebook Leadership Networking: Connect, Collaborate, Create. It entails more than simply knowing or connecting with many individuals. It is all about learning how to make the best use of those relationships to solve issues and generate opportunities.

Having a good leadership network will help me realize better results within the clinical environment. A better correlation with other people leads to a smooth working environment. Despite the fact that the future is hard to predict, history has demonstrated that nurses must always be prepared for important roles in the health care system, both in their current jobs and in the future. The challenge for clinical leadership is determining how to organize the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed so that nurses who do not yet have official roles are prepared to complete needed responsibilities.

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By Sandra Arlington

Sandra Arlington is a contributing writer to the Motley Fool. Having written for various online magazines, such as Ehow and LiveStrong, she decided to embark on a travel blog for the past 10 years. She is also a regular contributor to My Essay Writer.

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