College Essay Examples

Human Growth and Development

The film “Life Before Birth – In the Womb” is a film that discusses the process of conception of a child from intercourse to their birth. I have learned the time it takes for conception to occur, up to ten hours. Also, there are at least 500 million sperm, and every sperm has a copy of the father’s genetics. The sperms sniff to find the fallopian tube. The woman’s egg also has its genetic characteristics. During the conception period, most women are not aware of the activities in their wombs. The film helps explain the different processes and activities and their different experiences every trimester (Naked Science, 2015). The chromosomes store the genetic characteristics.

 These genes help to create the characteristic of humanness. Pregnancy is a journey that may be joyous or stressful for different women. The genetic makeup is from both parents, but the father chooses the sex of a child. The mother feels the kicks in the womb during the pregnancy journey, which shows the child is moving. A fetus is also believed to have hiccups that allow them to feed on the nipple of the mother. The last major organ to form in a fetus is the lungs (Naked Science, 2015). 

Although they are used for breathing, the fetus uses its mother’s blood through the placenta. The material is presented through pictures and videos of the fetus, mother, and father that help in explaining the birth process. The presentation was effective since it captured the concentration of the viewer. Although the film is about pregnancy, both men and women are advised to watch to help learn and understand all the processes. 

The article “How Does Someone Get Two Different-Colored Eyes” teaches one of the different colors: brown and black eyes. I would want to be genetically tested since it will help explain the color of my eyes. For instance, brown-colored eyes have rich melanin deposits while blue eyes lack melanin (The Scientist, 2001). Melanocytes are found in the iris and are responsible for maintaining the color of the eye since it has the innervated psuedosyncytium. There are two genes, EYCL3 and EYCL1, that control the color of the eyes. EYCL3 is found in chromosome 15 with the brown or blue eye color codes (The Scientist, 2001). 

EYCL1, on the other hand, has the green or blue eye color codes and ate located in chromosome 19. The knowledge of the genetic risk change would influence how I lived since it will help explain the eye color change and what causes these changes. The two main conditions discussed in the article ate heterochromia iridium and iridis (The Scientist, 2001). Heterochromia iridium is where an individual has two different colors in the eyes anile iridis is where a single individual has many colors in the iris. 

These conditions are rare and result from the pigmentation in the iris. The information will help since traumatic events trigger these conditions at birth and in life (The Scientist, 2001). Also, congenital nevi or medications that treat glaucoma may change the color of the iris. Therefore, I will reduce any traumatic experiences that I face daily. However, the different colors of the iris add to the newly invented physical characteristics of human beings. 



Naked Science. (2015). Life Before Birth – In the Womb. YouTube. Retrieved March 24, 2022, from

The Scientist. (2001, November 3). How Does Someone Get Two Different-colored Eyes? Scientific American. Retrieved March 24, 2022, from

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By Sandra Arlington

Sandra Arlington is a contributing writer to the Motley Fool. Having written for various online magazines, such as Ehow and LiveStrong, she decided to embark on a travel blog for the past 10 years. She is also a regular contributor to My Essay Writer.