College Essay Examples

Global Warming

Globally, there has been a gradual surge in the planet’s temperature. The primary cause of this effect is global warming, and it is very upsetting. Global warming typically arises when the atmospheric particles, clouds, ocean surfaces, and other reflective surfaces send a small portion of almost 30% into the atmosphere. At the same time, the remaining 70% is absorbed by the land, oceans, and air. This subsequently heats up the atmosphere and planet earth’s surface making life easy. However, as the planet warms, thermal energy is emitted by infrared rays and radiations, moving directly into the space where it cools the earth. Moreover, some of the propagated radiations get reabsorbed by ozone, carbon dioxide, water vapors, and other gases in the atmosphere. They are emitted back into the earth’s surface, causing global warming. Therefore, this paper explores global warming, its causes, side effects, and solutions. 

Firstly, it is crucial to recognize how global warming relates to the greenhouse effect. Unlike other planets, earth has a steady temperature due to its atmosphere that contains a thin layer of gases protecting the world. However, researchers claim that humans have drastically interfered with the atmosphere by conducting activities that promote the greenhouse effect leading to global warming (Kweku et al., 1-9). Greenhouse gases comprise nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane, bromine, and chloride-containing compounds. These gases build up in the atmosphere altering the atmospheric radiative equilibrium. Typically, a greenhouse effect operates by the principle of greenhouses, whereby the energy from the sun enters through the atmosphere into the earth. Still, the atmosphere prevents the heat from escaping through the atmosphere, resulting in warming. 

Despite that, it is crucial to understand the significant greenhouse effect causes. One primary cause is deforestation. Plants and trees release oxygen and take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis (Zandalinas et al., 588-590). Also, through a process known as sequestration, the plants store carbon components in their backs, lowering toxic gases. However, when deforestation is done, the sequestration process is reversed.

Additionally, agriculture largely contributes to global warming. According to researchers, 12% of the global warming rate is attributed to agricultural activities. This is because most fertilizers, pesticides, and toxic agricultural chemicals contain methane and nitrous oxide, which In contrast, transportation and industrialization contribute to global warming. Most industrial wastes from factories and industries synthesize new products for human consumption. Hence, the industries generate many harmful gases released into the atmosphere, elevating greenhouse gases (Peter, 1558-1561). Similarly, transportation equipment such as cars and trucks emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Another major cause of global warming is the depletion of the ozone layer. Ozone depletion occurs typically due to chlorine gases in the atmosphere. This is because chlorine dissociates in the presence of ultraviolet light, releasing atoms that destroy the ozone. 

Consequently, there are several effects of global warming on land. One causes the sea level to rise. This is because global warming increases the overall average global temperature, melting ice and glaciers on land and thus increasing sea water level. For instance: the Antarctic suffers a rapid loss of ice sheets every year due to global warming. Additionally, thermal expansion due to high temperature causes ocean water to expand, thus increases raise the sea level. On the contrary, it causes drought, wildfires, and flooding since it interferes with the level of evaporation and precipitation. 

Secondly, global warming has physical impacts on weather. This results in extreme weather changes such as droughts, heatwaves, rainstorms, blizzards, and cyclones. Higher temperature increases evaporation and precipitation. This, in turn, causes a substantial shift in the pattern of rainfall throughout the earth. For instance: subtropics experience a reduction in rainfall, causing drought while equatorial regions perceive lower precipitation; hence they become wetter (Albouy et al., 6-7). Besides, global warming increases heatwaves, making the daily maximum temperature surpass the average maximum temperature for several.

Furthermore, warming has significantly affected the flow of natural biological systems. Nowadays, species and wildlife are migrating to colder regions. In marine life, organisms move towards the cold parts, while species tend to immigrate to higher elevations on land. All this occurs due to rainfall patterns, wildfires, and drought, among other factors (Albouy et al., 6-7). Also, global warming interferes with ocean ecosystems. Warming bleaches and destroys coral reefs that provide habitat to numerous ecosystem species leading to species extinction (Frolicher et al., 360-364). Similarly, oceans absorb a high amount of carbon dioxide, causing acidification of the oceans. This causes severe effects on aquatic life, specifically creatures like; clams and oysters. 

Also, global warming impacts human life negatively. Some areas are too hot for human survival, while others experience flooding and thus displacing humans. Global warming also causes air pollution, heat waves, and wildfires that significantly affect human health. According to researchers, humans suffer undernutrition due to crop failure imposed by floods and drought. Besides, global temperatures increase as causes catastrophes that increase human exposure to carcinogens such as cancer (Frolicher et al., 360-364). For instance, ozone layer depletion allows the entry of radiation that causes non-melanin skin cancer. Consequently, in warmer climates, humans suffer because the higher temperatures boost the transmission of diseases. Most bacteria and pathogens such as malaria and dengue fever thrive, negatively impacting human life. 

The hazards caused by global warming are tremendous; hence it is vital to embrace strategies that can help minimize the risk effects. Additionally, the growing technology has provided different ways for lowering global emissions of greenhouse gases. This strategy offers industry-specific solutions. For instance, in the energy industry, fossil fuels contribute to a large number of toxic gasses. However, industries can adopt renewable energy sources such as wind, geothermal, and bioenergy with technology (Mikhaylov et al., 2897-2900). Also, industries should embrace a carbon capture and storage (CCS) technique to lower the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere. 

Additionally, deforestation issues can be addressed by planting more trees. Trees reduce emissions by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (Peter, 1558-1561). Therefore, the best way to safeguard forests is to formulate sustainable forest management. This would ensure a well-sustained yield of timber and energy usage that promotes sustainable development and maintains biodiversity. 

Besides, there are numerous opportunities for lowering agricultural emissions. For instance, upgrading lands and improving crop management can help solve the issue of warming. Also, growing crops that can absorb toxic gases is vital (Sagala et al., 87-97). Bedsides, farmers should embrace better fertilizers and pesticides to prevent gaseous emissions. 

To conclude, the environmental and scientific communities have the same concepts regarding human actions and the effects of global warming. Therefore, this paper only gives an overview of global warming’s causes, effects, and solutions. Global warming is a big challenge that requires effective measures to combat this problem. Global warming not only causes climate change, but it affects animals and humans. Sea level rise would devastate fishing and agricultural activities. Drought and flood would cause immigration and diseases. Hence, remedial protocols must be adopted, including utilizing renewable energy sources and planting trees and crops. Besides, policies should be implemented, and innovative solutions t be developed to curb this global issue.

Works Cited

Albouy, Camille, et al. “Author Correction: Global vulnerability of marine mammals to global warming.” Scientific Reports, vol. 10, no. 1, 2020.

Frölicher, Thomas L., et al. “Marine heatwaves under global warming.” Nature, vol. 560, no. 7718, 2018, pp. 360-364.

Kweku, D., et al. “Greenhouse effect: Greenhouse gases and their impact on global warming.” Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, vol. 17, no. 6, 2018, pp. 1-9, doi:10.9734/jsrr/2017/39630.

Mikhaylov, Alexey, et al. “Global climate change and greenhouse effect.” Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, vol. 7, no. 4, 2020, pp. 2897-2913.

Peter, Sebastian C. “Reduction of CO2 to Chemicals and Fuels: A Solution to Global Warming and Energy Crisis.” ACS Energy Letters, vol. 3, no. 7, 2018, pp. 1557-1561.

SAGALA, Rumadani, et al. “Environment-Friendly Education as A Solution to Against Global Warming: A Case Study at Sekolah Alam Lampung, Indonesia.” Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, vol. 7, no. 2, 2019, pp. 87-97.

Zandalinas, Sara I., et al. “Global Warming, Climate Change, and Environmental Pollution: Recipe for a Multifactorial Stress Combination Disaster.” Trends in Plant Science, vol. 26, no. 6, 2021, pp. 588-599.

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By Sandra Arlington

Sandra Arlington is a contributing writer to the Motley Fool. Having written for various online magazines, such as Ehow and LiveStrong, she decided to embark on a travel blog for the past 10 years. She is also a regular contributor to My Essay Writer.

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