Affordable Care Act
- College Essay Examples
- June 29, 2021
The Affordable Care Act and the Federal Patient Protection Act were signed into law in 2010. It was duly dubbed ObamaCare (ACA) since it was introduced by former President Barack Obama. It is a comprehensive act that contains over 2,000 provisions in an over 900 pages act (HealthCare, 2016). This paper provides a review of […]
Read MoreReview Paper
- College Essay Examples
- June 26, 2021
Before the election of Ariel Sharon as prime minister of Israel, the 2000 Camp David Summit (sponsored by the U.S government under Bill Clinton) attempted to intervene in the Israel – Palestine conflict by bringing both parties together to potentially hammer out a resolution that would help to achieve peace in the region. The focus […]
Read MoreA Critical Difference of Opinion: The Issues Between Environmental Pessimists and Optimists
- College Essay Examples
- May 7, 2021
As the human population has increased, there has also been a marked increase in industrial progress and technological knowledge. These increases mean a great amount of waste created and a much larger impact on the environment. Essentially, there are two seemingly polarized arguments on this issue: environmental optimists and environmental pessimists. Though it seems the […]
Read MoreThe Negative Effects of Illegal Immigration
- College Essay Examples
- May 6, 2021
Introduction Illegal immigration refers to the movement of a person or a group of people across a nation’s borders in a way that violates the destined country’s immigration laws (Chiswick, 2016). The reactions of illegal immigration have varied for different reasons. In many cases, people react on the issue based on the negative effects with […]
- College Essay Examples
- August 5, 2019
The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is an agency of the US federal government responsible for public security. DHS is primarily concerned with border security, immigration and customs, antiterrorism, disaster management and prevention, and cybersecurity (Ruffin, 2005). The Department of Defense (DoD) is mostly concerned with military undertakings abroad while DHS works […]
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