College Essay Examples

An Analysis of Vincent Triola’s Journal of the Importance of John Punch Verdict

  • Summary

Vincent Triola’s Journal of The Importance of the John Punch Verdict was written in 2021. It is a journal on slavery practiced in America for more than a century that began as indentured service. Vincent explains that the poor were contracted for a specific period to provide indentured services. The poor servants were more poor European whites that wanted to acquire land. The article analyzes the Virginia Courts that identified the first enslaved person John Punch that changed from indentured servants to slavery in 1640(Triola, 2021). The indentured service was harsh, and therefore, most of the servants did not survive. Although laws protected the enslaved people, most disputes were ruled to favor the masters.

The case involves two white enslaved people and one enslaved Black person. When race became the primary issue, Africans would not be free. John Punch’s case is critical because it shows a transition from indentured service to slavery in 1661. The article shows the court’s choices to consider race as an essential aspect of slavery. The case changes the standards of treatment of the black during and end of slavery. Slavery was now based on race and was restricted to freeing enslaved Africans from their colonies (Triola, 2021). Victor constructs images of slavery in the past and leads to understanding the transition from service to slavery and how the enslaved Africans gained freedom through the series of court decisions that made race the primary determinant. 

  • Historical Context

The John Bunch verdict led to the start of verdicts from 1640, during which the Virginia Court mentioned John Punch as the first official worker of the Thirteen Colonies. The case marked the shift from indentured service to slavery. The first three enslaved people, two white enslaved people, and an enslaved Black person were captured in Maryland in 1640 (Triola, 2021). They were later returned to Jamestown to get their punishment mentioned. In 1661, the two white enslaved people were assigned to get thirty lashes and another extra year to their indentured service, while John Punch, an enslaved Black person, would serve thirty lashes and lifetime service. In 1670, it was also ruled that the Africans and Indians would not buy Christian servants but would buy enslaved people from their nations. The significant changes occurred in 1705 when all servants in the country were without indenture. If the servants were above 19 years, they would serve for five years, while those below 19 years would serve until, they reached 24 years (Triola, 2021). 

Also, if the enslaved people were brought into the country and were not Christians would be sold and bought without converting to Christians. The servants will be regarded as enslaved people. Although the servants were enslaved, the masters provided food, shelter, and clothing and were not allowed to whip the Christian white enslaved people without justice (Triola, 2021). Another rule was that if an enslaved person was killed, then the master of the enslaved person had to be paid by the public. Enslaved people were also not exempted from bondage even though they were baptized, and all the children of enslaved people were in bondage or free, according to the parents’ decision. 

  • Author

Victor Triola was born on June 26, 1970 and studied in private and public schools. In 1988, Vincent graduated from Mount Saint Joseph Highschool. Vincent writes poems, fiction, and articles, develops an interest in slavery, and wishes to satisfy the readers’ interests (Triola, 2021). 

  • Analysis

The journal’s purpose is to inform of the change from indentured service to slavery through the case of John Bunch as a back enslaved person. To pass the message, Vincent portrays the enslaved people as poor people whose rights and freedoms were not observed and were subjected to work for their masters and also shows the racism during the ruling of the two white enslaved people and the enslaved Black people that receive different punishments, although they were all enslaved. 

Vincent is angered by the racism and unfairness that is shown to the enslaved Black person through the verdict of lifetime service to their masters., The case of John Bunch connects the entry of slavery to the nations and the different treatment of poor white enslaved Europeans (Triola, 2021). There was no ties between the European and the negro “And be it further enacted, That no minister of the church of England, or other ministers, or person whatsoever, within this colony and dominion, shall hereafter wittingly presume to marry a white man with a negro or mulatto woman; or to marry a white woman with a negro or mulatto man, upon pain of forfeiting and paying, for every such marriage the sum of ten thousand pounds of tobacco; one half to our sovereign lady the Queen, her heirs and successors, for and towards the support of the government, and the contingent charges thereof; and the other half to the informer; To be recovered, with costs, by the action of debt, bill, plaint, or information, in any court of record within this majesty’s colony and dominion, wherein no protection, or wager of law, shall be allowed.” (Triola, 5) The blacks received different treatment in terms of religious heritage and would only benefit the masters through increased productivity (Triola, 2021). 

Therefore, more protection for the white enslaved led to more negro enslaved people and other minorities in the community. Enslaved people were treated; differently; the white enslaved people received different treatment. “The two white servants were given thirty lashes and required to serve their master for one extra year beyond their required servitude. Three years of service to the colony were also required after their servitude ended” while John Bunch received different treatment.” (Triola 1) John Punch, being of African descent, received thirty lashes and ordered into lifelong service, essentially slavery.” (Triola, 1)

Victor attempts to highlight the enslaved Black people’s rights by mentioning the different privileges of white enslaved people that were not enjoyed by the negro enslaved people. Using John Punch as an example, Vincent outlines the occurrence of mentioning the cases that led to the increase of slavery of the negros (Triola, 2021). The court ruling on John Punch started the end of African slavery led to hope for the enslaved Africans to gain freedom from their colonies. 


The Journal of The Importance of the John Punch Verdict is vital since it helps enlighten the start of slavery in Virginia between 1640-1705. The document involved Triola (2021) creates an understanding between the enslaved people’s rights and the decisions that the court upholds. Vincent portrays the enslaved people as poor people with rights but does not have a basis to fight for their rights since they are subjects to their masters and employers. However, the court protects the enslaved people from mistreatment since the court orders masters to provide food =, shelter, and proper clothing for the enslaved people. The enslaved people assist and allow the masters to make a fortune from their work. 

Works Cited

Triola, Vincent. “The Importance of the John Punch Verdict.” The First Official Slave, 2021, Accessed March 7. 2022.

Triola, Vincent . “Primary Source: Various Laws and Court Decisions Relating to Servants and Slaves in 17th-Century Virginia.” pp. 1-5. Accessed March 7. 2022.


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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.