The article “Covid May Cause Changes in the Brain, New Study Finds” by Pam Belluck address the effects of Covid on the brain. The article is of interest since Covid 19 struck and changed the living standards and the healthy standard of the community. Covid is a recent issue, and therefore, many studies have been developed to explain its effects on the human body and how a cure can be found for this disease. The brain is an essential part of the body, and therefore, when it is affected, it alters with the body’s normal functioning. Therefore, the article is essential since it helps explain the effect of the coronavirus on the brain and provides evidence from research done.
The research was done between 51-81-year-old people where the findings included shrank and damaged tissues related to the sense of smell controlled by the brain. All the 785 subjects in this research had Covid and therefore concluded that the virus affects the brain. The article has a basis that supports its arguments since it provides qualitative and quantitative information that allows the readers to refer to the data and confirm its validity (Belluck, 2022). In biology, there are connections between the brain and other body parts. Therefore, when a virus interferes with the other parts of the body or the brain, the body changes its normal functioning.
The article is not biased because it includes a percentage of participants to prove the information. The researchers also conduct the research twice and at different times to verify the results. Although every participant went through two brain scans and a cognitive test, other researchers did not approve the results (Belluck, 2022). The article engages both biological and social phenomena. For example, it uses the biological information that aging people have and lose gray hair every year, representing a 0.2% -0.3% annual loss (Belluck, 2022). The characteristics of the participants are essential and should therefore be the same to verify the data, and, in this research, the participants had the same characteristics in age, sex, socioeconomic status, and medical history.
The article also uses biological phenomena to explain the connection between the brain and the effects of covid to the participants, such as loss of hair and the memory function of the body that involved the orbitofrontal cortex and the par hippocampal gyrus (Belluck, 2022). The evidence that the virus affects the brain includes the slow connection of dots by the patients that showed the lack of proper concentration of the brain and slow processing speed (Belluck, 2022). Biological and social phenomena help explain the results and link them to the body’s functioning since the human body is studied and well understood under biology.
The article changes my way of thinking since it sensitizes the importance of taking protective measures against covid 19 as it affects the brain. The brain is involved in keeping memory, controlling behavior and movements, and controlling the secretion of hormones in the body. When the brain is affected, it leads to slow information processing and a lack of concentration in their different activities. Furthermore, the article allows to link the brain and coronavirus and hence increases people to take protective measures as some doctors also link the destruction of the brain to psychiatric problems that are yet to be proven through further research.
Belluck, P. (2022, March 8). Covid may cause changes in the brain, new study finds. The New York Times – Breaking News, US News, World News and Videos.