College Essay Examples

Facility Planning: Floor Plan

Technology has assumed the status of one of the paramount features in many industries. Healthwise, the advancement has played a considerable role in ascertaining people’s health’s are in line and maintained. Technology has also played a part in how medical services used to be delivered, simplifying them greatly. Thus, incorporating technology equipment and creative environment healing ideas in the clinic planning would be a solid move. Fitting the facility with some automated IV pumps, smart beds, and mobile monitors would be a significant slide in the medical and health maintenance of the community (Khan et al., 2017). These technologies would be substantial since they would ascertain that patient are well and appropriately served rightful amounts of doses, have comfy rest when they are admitted to the health clinic, and are well monitored without confusion (Khan et al., 2017). Therefore, this incorporation would help the clinic help deliver advanced healthcare protocols that are unmatched by other care facilities within the community. 

While planning to incorporate automated IV pumps, it would be significant to consider the amount of energy the technology would demand. Therefore, while planning for the facilities floor, including the relevant power sockets in per location would be considerable since they would also help serve with the smart beds (Franco et al., 2017). Since the environment has greatly been threatened and cornered to the verge of tarnishing the ecosystem, the power option would be better if it were an eco-friendly power source. Thus, facility planning would also incorporate a solar energy plant section since it would allow power generation (Franco et al., 2017). Moreover, healthcare practitioners would also be served with smart wearables since they are protective as well as eco-friendly. The plan would also serve as a green or environmentally friendly plan. 

Designing this health clinic facility would help resolve many people’s health issues in the community since the facility will be planned to eye on the entire population structure. The facility will have a pediatric section that would help serve the children. The facility will also have a family nurse practitioners’ section to handle family care. It would also be significant to have laboratory testing and imaging sections in the facility since it would minimize patients’ challenges in pursuing healthcare from other facilities. The facility would also be planned to serve a mechanism that most conditions are addressed in the facility except for the more complex advanced conditions. 

  For renovating an existing clinical facility, it would be paramount to consider the facility’s size and how endowed it is. Some renovations would call for significant sums of money, such as the Automated IV pumps, smart beds, mobile monitors, advanced laboratories, and green energy. While renovating the facility, including advanced technologies sections and serving the practitioners with the smart wearables would help alienate them from some clinical threats, and they are environmentally friendly. 

While designing for the facility, I encountered different hardships where some were interesting while some were demoralizing. While planning for the facility, I was able to interrelate with different persons from different fields, all of who helped me grow and develop in the process. While getting to plan for the foundation, I got to relate with structural engineers who have been of great significance in the process since then. Additionally, the project has also allowed me to expand my network and grow as a person as well since despite relating with different persons. I also got to deepen further my communication skills. While undertaking this project, the greatest challenge was designing the comprehensive floor plan. This being my first time, I was in waves since I had to abate the monotony of class and bring it on to the real world of application, where I would exercise what I had been learning. Sourcing comprehensive materials were the most significant challenge, but I made it with the great help of the library, course mates, and other technicians along the way. While handling the next project, it would be significant first to draft down a list of needs and a sketch of what I would imagine creating since developing ideas from scratch is a hectic task.


Franco, A., Shaker, M., Kalubi, D., & Hostettler, S. (2017). A review of sustainable energy access and technologies for healthcare facilities in the Global South. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments22, 92-105.

Khan, I., Ndubuka, N., Stewart, K., McKinney, V., & Mendez, I. (2017). The use of technology to improve health care to Saskatchewan’s First Nations communities. Canada Communicable Disease Report43(6), 120-124.

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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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