College Essay Examples


The use of cryptography

The skill of turning steady primary language into incomprehensible text, and vice versa, is referred to as cryptography. It comprises of keeping and sending data in a structure that could only be accessed and handled by those meant to read and process it. This means, only the appropriate secret key may decode data encrypted with a cryptographic key. As a result, Jack’s communication necessitates encoding it with Jack’s public key (Richards, 2021). Only Jack has his secret key; therefore, he can decode the message.

Block cipher modes and their operation

Encryption techniques are classified as block and stream ciphers based on the kind of contribution. A block cipher is an encrypting technique that receives a set size of the effort, such as b bits, and produces a cypher text of the same size. It is conceivable to divide the input additional in case it is superior to b bits. The cipher can function in several ways based on the situation, the program, and its purpose. They are divided into two categories as follows;

The Electronic Cypher Book- this is the simplest block code method of operation. It is modest since each unit of incoming blank text is directly encrypted, and the output is in the form of encoded ciphertext blocks (Meghna, 2021). When a text is more significant than b bits in a stretch, it may usually be divided into several units and the development repeated.

The Chaining Cipher Block – is a development on ECB, as ECB violates several security standards. After XOR with the initial plaintexts, the previous cipher block is supplied as data to the next symmetric encrypted in CBC.

Some of the addressed issues in using a cryptography

There are a variety of risks that may lead to a key being affected; in most cases, users won’t even realize a key has been hacked until the hacker has subjugated it. Thus it leads to threats. The following are some of the major threats;

The weak keys– The key’s strength must be proportional to the richness of the information it protects and the duration it needs to be secured.

The incorrect key use– Every key must be created for a single, particular purpose (Stubbs, 2018). Using it for anything else, it may not offer the desired or needed level of security.

Re-using keys- In some cases, inappropriate key re-use might simplify an adversary to break the key. 

To justify my choice, I would suggest that key management should be highly considered for keeping data. For instance, if incorrect keys are used for the wrong purpose, encoding and decoding might be an issue.


Meghna, K. (2021). Block Cipher Modes of operation. Geeks for Geeks.

Richards, K. (2021). cryptography. TechTarget.

Stubbs, R. (2018). Cryptographic Key Management – the Risks and Mitigation. CryptomaThic.

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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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