College Essay Examples

3-2-1 Assignment Visual Impairment

3- List three disability categories related to needs that you think have important implications for school functioning. Briefly indicate why you think each is important.

  1. a)   Intellectual disability. Being unable to focus on  many  issues at a go because of a deficiency in adaptive behavior, ultimately, contributes to low grades since any particular student in that state finds it hard catching up with different class subjects.
  2. b)  Visual impairment. This form of disability limits one from engaging in classwork activities with a feeling of fairness and equality hence, affecting their self-confidence and self-esteem with an eventual consequence of portraying negative interpersonal traits and energy as one feels judged (Pearson).
  3. c)   Speech impairment. Affects a student’s ability to communicate their thoughts and needs effectively to their fellow peers or tutors thus, exposing them to being misunderstood.

2- List two interventions that you think are important for the designated disability category. Briefly indicate why you think each is important.

  1. a)  Tutors to keep rules and instructions simpler and clearer for easier comprehension and allowing break-times in between class sessions to assist the disabled category enough time to digest the information captured. Such a supportive strategy allowed Kyle to feel equally important and relevant (Pearson).
  2. b)   Adopting circle-time sitting arrangements and providing conducive time for the visually impaired to explore the advantages of personalized learning. This intervention ensures equal role-playing and proactive participation, giving the visually impaired a chance to prove they can also be excellent in other avenues such as in Kyle’s case of playing the piano (Pearson).
  3. c)  Implementing techniques and tools within the class sessions that are not only accommodative and interactive but also allow other well-able students to initiate meaningful conversations with their peers confidently without any fear of judgment. In Kyle’s case, such a strategy boosted his physical, emotional, and psychological aspects allowing him to be more vulnerable and open with his schoolmates (Pearson).

1-List one ‘bottom line’ idea regarding the designated disability category that you think is most important for you to remember for your work as an educator.

As an educator, I would put more emphasis on recognizing the special place that visually impaired students hold in our learning institutions. Therefore, I would adopt teaching techniques that showcase fairness and equity allowing the disabled students to fully express their other inborn abilities and talents such as playing piano in the case of Kyle (Pearson).


Pearson. (n.d.). Special Education [Video]. Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page: It works.

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By Sandra Arlington

Sandra Arlington is a contributing writer to the Motley Fool. Having written for various online magazines, such as Ehow and LiveStrong, she decided to embark on a travel blog for the past 10 years. She is also a regular contributor to My Essay Writer.

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